
Arama sonuçları

18 Nisan 2021 Pazar

Fransiyum (ENG) - Gikal



Francium is a highly radioactive alkali metal with atomic number 87 and element symbol Fr. It is solid at room temperature. Although it occurs naturally, it deteriorates so quickly that it is very rare. In fact, scientists did not have a large enough sample of francium to understand what it really looked like!

It got its name from France, the homeland of Marguerite Perey.

It is the second rarest natural element after astatine. Francium is the heaviest known member of the alkali metal series. It has the highest equivalent weight of any element and is the most unstable of the first 101 elements of the periodic system. All known isotopes of francium are highly unstable, so the knowledge of the chemical properties of this element comes from radiochemical techniques.

Francium is very rare and degrades so quickly that it has no commercial application. The item is used for research. It has been used in spectroscopy experiments to learn about the binding of constants between subatomic particles and energy levels. It is possible that this element finds application in diagnostic tests for cancer.

Francium occurs as a result of the alpha breakdown of actinium. It can be produced by artificially bombarding torium with protons. It occurs naturally in uranium minerals, but possibly less than an ounce of francium in the earth's total crust at any given time.

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Fenerbahçe Anatolian High School