Berkelium (Bk) is a synthetic chemical element of the actinoid series of
the periodic table, atomic number 97. Berkelium is a radioactive metallic
element and it is a member of the actinide group of elements. Each nuclear
reaction produce berkelium-243 (half-life 4.5 hours) and two neutrons.It is
silvery in colour and its chemistry has been investigated to a limited extent
and several compounds have been made. Berkelium metal is attacked by oxygen,
steam and acids, but not by alkalis. All berkelium isotopes are radioactive;
berkelium-247 is the longest-lived (1,380-year half-life). Berkelium-249
(330-day half-life) has been widely used in the chemical studies of the element
because it can be produced in weighable amounts that are isotopically pure by nuclear
reactions beginning with curium-244. The only use of berkelium has been in the
synthesis of heavier elements such as tennessine. It is electropositive,
reactive, and silver coloured like the other actinoid metals, with a specific
gravity of 14.8. As with other actinide elements, berkelium tends to accumulate
in the skeletal system. Because of its rarity, berkelium presently has no
commercial or technological use.
Berkelium doesn’t occur naturally, and has not
been found in the earth’s crust, so there is no reason to consider its health
hazards. However, all its known isotopes are radioactive, and although they are
only produced artificially in laboratories, it is a damage to the atmosphere,
the soil, the oceans, seas, and water table, showing up worldwide in animals,
vegetables, and inert matters.
Kılıçoğlu Anadolu Lisesi öğrencisi Tuğçenaz - EKAL
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